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​Healing/Yoga Counselling

We are all connected to the energy source, but as we get older, we lose connection and become imbalanced. This eventually manifests as some symptoms and illness.

Everybody knows when you feel good, by gazing into beauty, walking in the nature or simply have good sleep. It is like charging up energy on a mobile phone.

We do not see specific sockets for charging, but with intention and imagination, that is also possible. Our mind is powerful!

Receiving healing is like charging up the energy. In fact, anybody can access this energy. But at times, it seem to be impossible as if you lost charging cable and completely depleted. In this situation a Healer acts just like a jump start assistant.  

​For me, healing is not the solution, and not to be depending on the therapist. Healer only activates clients self healing power, so that we are always in charge of our own health and happiness. 




​I love working along the spine, so the healing  session is on the massage chair for maximum comfort.

© 2019  Flow*  Yoga and Tarot, Exeter, Devon  UK  


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