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Michiko Schneck

     CHO accredit healer/ UK healer (2003 - CPS -150hours)

              Tarot reader (2004 -CPS -80hours)


              Yoga instructor

              (2017 The yoga institute TTP-200hours)  

              Yoga instructor (2017 QCI level 1 - Indian gov certificate)

              Integral chakra psychology (level2 - International Yoga Board)

     Advanced Training Program (TTP 200hours) in Yoga

                (2017 A.Y.A Yoga Academy- ISVA yoga Academy)

     The Diploma in Yoga Counselling

                (2018 The Yoga Institute, Manthan Yoga Foundation


I am qualified as a social worker and a child minder in Japan. I worked with people with physical and learning disabilities both in Japan and England. 

I was a very logical person who believed nothing but fact, but meeting Bach flower remedies opened up my belief into invisible and I started to study healing at The college of psychic studies in London in 2001.

At the same college, I also studied Tarot reading and this dramatically changed my life. Since then I use my cards as a powerful healing tool. It also guided me to have deep understanding in spirituality.

With my husband's job relocation, we transferred to Tokyo from London in 2010.  In 2016 we moved to Mumbai, India.

Soon after we moved to India, I was drawn to the world oldest Yoga centre, The Yoga institute and started to learn about Yoga, which cerebrated its 100 years in 2018. I then realized that I had started my Yoga journey in London.

All the spiritual practice, meditation and healing work including tarot could be just a part of Yoga, as well as what we know of Yoga- Asana (physical pose).

After finishing my yoga counsellor training, we moved again to New Jersey, USA and learnt how yoga is spread into the rest of the world. It gave me deeper understanding of yoga asana teaching.

 Finally we came back to Exeter Devon, UK in 2019.  



イギリスでバッチフラワーレメディーに出会い論理的思考の枠を超えたら、魔法学校のようなカレッジThe college of Pshychic studies (since 1884)に出会い、2年半ほどヒーリングを勉強。その後、占い嫌いなくせにタロットに魅せられ、1年半タロットを勉強。






インドでは世界最古のヨーガセンター、The Yoga instituteであれこれ勉強。実はロンドンでヨーガという名のスピリチュアルプラクティスをスタートしていたと気づく。





Let's flow and grow.

Be flexible and open for the support from within. 

© 2019  Flow*  Yoga and Tarot, Exeter, Devon  UK  


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